Thursday, 26 January 2012

Good day in London promoting Tees Valley

Jamie writes.....Recognition helped organise a successful delegation to London to deliver the message that 'Tees Valley is open and ready to do business'. The objective was to meet a City audience but while we were there we also held a very effective event at the House of Commons.

We worked with the Tees Valley Local Enterprise Partnership to facilitate the event at Westminster, which gave MPs and Lords the opportunity to find out how the LEP is driving the growth in the Tee Valley economy.

The event was attended by MPs from across the country coming along to meet the LEP team and see what one of the UK's first LEPs has already achieved and its plans for the future including the new Enterprise Zones.

The main event for the LEP in London, was for property investors and intermediaries based in the City.

So, just like a scene from BBC’s The Apprentice we packed up at Parliament and jumped in cabs to take us across London for the city event!!

This meeting was organised in conjunction with City PR firm Redleaf, a business Recognition has worked with on a number of occasions over several years.

As well as giving the LEP the opportunity to showcase Tees Valley to guests, it also enabled the LEP to hear directly from a City audience of what would attract them to the area.

Taking the Tees Valley LEP to London not only highlights Recognition’s event management experience and utilisation of its invaluable network, it demonstrates our understanding of the issues affecting businesses and the influence decision makers and those in positions of responsibility can have to support the continued growth within the Tees Valley.

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