Thursday, 26 November 2009

Training; New York style!

Graham writes……training is important and so is sharing best practice. This month Recognition has put both into practice by sending Jamie Collis, our Director of Communications, to New York to visit the senior people at some of the world’s top PR firms. He returned to us today full of stories and new ideas. He met with Donald Trump’s PR person and media outlets throughout Manhattan. The result of his trip will be to bring the latest techniques and ideas to Recognition’s clients as we continuously develop our service. This is something we have done before. A few years ago I accompanied another member of staff to meet PR & media professionals in Boston. New approaches were introduced by Recognition which proved successful; also the firms learned a lot from us. It is interesting that the Government will only fund recognised training courses yet our staff, our business and our clients will get more out of this more innovative approach to training and personal development!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Pudsey, Duncan and the cleaning businesss...

Graham writes.....a fun day filming this week for two clients; Duncan Bannatyne and the terrific company he has invested in, UK Commercial Cleaning. Duncan was endorsing the BBC's Children in Need. Also the BBC was fiming a catch up report on his Dragon's Den investment in Tony Earnshaw's UK Commercial Cleaning. We managed to put the two together in an amusing film in which Pudsey Bear asks Duncan to help children in Hartlepool clean up a local area, Duncan asks UK Commercial Cleaning and so it goes on...

I've been involved with Children in Need for 24 years. I first presented the radio output on local radio in 1986 and every year at least one of Recognition's clients has had some involvement. It is something the BBC does well and in difficult economic times people respond even more.

Incidentally, we have a new member of staff at Recognition, Kimberley Walker. It was her first day at work so she joined us for the filming...a strange first day at work, to be photographed with Pudsey and filming with the BBC, but we have an interesting job to do!